April 24, 2021/ Bible SuperSearch News

Bible SuperSearch 4.4.0 has been released.

This release provided numerous new features on the client and API.

On the client and WordPress plugin, we have added the ability to translate the user interface (UI).

In this release, the interface language options include English, French and Spanish.  More languages to come.  We are also looking for volunteers who wish to translate the UI into their own language.

On the API, we have added an easy-to-use Bible importer.  However, this is currently still in beta, so it may have bugs or other issues.

Also, the API now works in PHP versions 7.4 and 8.0

Full Changelog:

Client / WordPress plugin


  • Added UI language option
  • Added ability to display help / download dialog buttons separately from formatting buttons.
  • Added ‘Minimal with Parallel Bible’ skin
  • Added print button for printing the showing Bible text
  • Added new Basic help dialog
  • Added new share link dialog


  • Added phoning home config to disable contacting main API to check for updates
  • Made API action links clickable on API action descriptions
  • Beta: Bible import UI
  • Proximity searches now always restricted to within the chapter in Psalms. (Reason: The ‘chapter’ divisions in Psalms were part of the original, inspired text).
  •  ‘*’ now acts as infinite wildcard, similar to other search engines
  • Bugfix: Including single letter keywords such as ‘I’ or ‘a’ was causing breakage.
  • Bugfix: Putting a reference in the ‘request’ field was being treated as a search when Limit Search To was not ‘Whole Bible’
  • Bugfix: Fixed query breakage when putting a Boolean operator at beginning or end of query when the query contained proximity operators
  • Bugfix: Strong’s number API action didn’t actually check to see if a Strong’s number was provided, causing 500 error
  • Bugfix: Fixed PHP 7.4 / 8.0 compatibility issues
  • Bugfix: Fixed double highlight when short keyword found inside of longer keyword
  • Bugfix: Attempting to access /login when already logged in was redirecting to / (document homepage). It now redirects to admin landing page (currently the Bible manager)
  • Removed: All ‘importFromV2’ code as this obsolete.
  • Removed: Officially removed _ as single character wildcard. (This feature was never implemented in 4.0 and was useless in previous versions.)


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