Please Help Support This Ministry With:

  • Prayer
  • Finances (see below)
  • Buying official support licenses here.
  • Spreading the Word about Bible SuperSearch
  • Reporting Bugs
  • Sending Encouragement
  • Suggesting Improvements
  • Translating the Bible SuperSearch interface into other languages
    • We will incorporate your translation into our software for FREE.
    • Contact us, and we will provide you with the template, and If we already have a rough translation, we will provide you with that.

Help Support Our Mission:

  • Install our full software, including our API, on your website, and enable the Bible downloads feature.
  • Upload Bibles to your website for others to download.  (Download them here.)
  • Build your own Bible software with provided Bibles and other tools.
  • Send us electronic copies of foreign language Bible, especially Texus Receptus/Byzantine Bibles.

You can help support us financially through these links:

Please note, we are NOT a 501(c)3 organization, and your donations are NOT tax-deductible.
501(c)3 organizations are subject to government regulations and intrusion that we cannot in good conscience go along with.