Buy Your Official Bible SuperSearch Licenses Here


30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee on Software Licenses and Installations. 

Like our software or we’ll give your money back.  No hassle.

One Year Priority Support License:

One Month Priority Support License:

Please note: Bible SuperSearch is web-based software, and requires a webserver to run.

It is not intended to run on your personal computer.


  • Install one of our client options
    • Universal Client – works on almost any website
    • WordPress plugin – for a WordPress website
  • Install one of our client options
  • Install our API
    • Full independence
    • Import additional Bibles
  • Install one of our client options
  • Install our API
  • Enable Bible downloads (on the API)
    • Share God’s Word
    • Build a Bible app with offline usage capability




Client API
New Features / Bug Fixes Yes Yes
PHP 7+ Support Yes Yes
Runs Entirely On Your Website Requires Local API * Yes
Security Fixes Yes Yes
Easy Installation Yes Yes
System Requirements
  • PHP: Not Required
  • MySQL: Not Required
  • Web Disk Space: 1MB
  • A Bible SuperSearch client
  • PHP 8.0 or higher
  • MySQL 5
  • A subdomain
  • Web Disk Space: 250MB +
  • PHP Extensions:  PDO, PDO_MYSQL, Mbstring, Tokenizer, XML, Zip, Ctype, JSON, BCMath, OpenSSL, Fileinfo
Download (Universal Client)
(WordPress Plugin)

* By default, the client software talks with our API.  This communication is transparent; your visitors stay on your website.  However, you have the option to install our API on your website, and run completely on your website.

Installation Instructions

For each software package:

  • Extract all of the files
  • See the readme.txt file for full installation instructions

Please see the readme.txt file for each software package that you are installing, as these will always have the most up-to-date installation instructions.



There is no difference in functionality between the paid and free software.  However, while we offer our software available as a free download, we cannot offer ANY support for unpaid software.   This INCLUDES support by email.  If you need support and do not have a current license, we will ask you to order the paid version first.

Bible SuperSearch API

Version 5.6.124 Aug 2024

sha256 Hash:

See Older Releases

Bible SuperSearch Client

Version 5.6.124 Aug 2024

sha256 Hash:

See Older Releases

WordPress Plugin

Version 5.6.124 Aug 2024

sha256 Hash:

See Older Releases