Many of you have had trouble installing Bible SuperSearch with the installer, and trying to find the non-existent “PHPMyAdmin” Installation instructions.
Since Bible SuperSearch 1.5, the PHPMyAdmin instructions have been omitted because it was felt that they were no longer needed. However, several emails have proven this decision wrong.
Below is the PHPMyAdmin instructions, modified for Bible SuperSearch 1.5+. A more polished up copy will be included in the next release.
Bible SuperSearch Installation Using PHPMyAdmin
Recommended for advanced users only, or if using the installer fails.
*Installing Bible SuperSearch from CD-ROM*
Copy all files from the “bible” folder on the Bible SuperSearch CD-ROM to a folder of your choice on your hard drive, preferably where you keep your other website files. Skip down to the “Entering MySQL Login Information” section below.
*Downloading Bible SuperSearch From Website*
Go to the download page at Chose the download file that is best suitable for download to the computer that you are CURRENTLY using (not for the web server you will be using). If you are using Windows or Macintosh, chose the ZIP file. If you are using UNIX, Linux, GNU, or anything similar, you should download the tarball (.tar.gz) file.
Right-click on the link provided and click “Save File As…” or “Save Link As..”
Select a location on your hard drive easy that is easy to find.
Double-click on the compressed install file to open it in WinZip or whatever compressed file utility you use. Extract all the files to the same folder on your hard drive, preferably the one where you keep your other website files. Make sure that all folders are recreated by the extractor (this feature is usually selected by default.)
There should be an “Extract” button on the toolbar of your compressed file utility. In Windows Compressed Folders, click File ==> Extract All…(Windows Compressed Folders automatically recreates folders; it does not give you an option otherwise.)
*Entering MySQL Login Information*
Open the file “bible_login.php” in your favorite text editor. Enter the following information:
(If you do not know what to enter, please contact your web hosting provider.)
$host = “hostname”;
The name or IP address of the MySQL server. This is usually “localhost,” especially on UNIX/Linux servers.
$user = “username”;
Your MySQL username is assigned by your web hosting provider. It is usually similar to your domain name.
$password = “password”;
If you do not know your MySQL password, please contact your hosting provider.
$db = “database”;
The name of the database on your account in which to install the Bible SuperSearch data. This must match a database on your account and you must have permission to modify it. Or, if you have the permissions to create a new database, you may enter a name of a database you intend to create. Note: You must create the database in phpMyAdmin. If you create a new database, make sure the name you choose follows the format, if any, set by your hosting provider. For example, our databases must be named aliveinchrist_us_-_“database-name.” If you have any questions about what database to use, please contact your web hosting provider.
Your bible_login.php file should look something like this (with the actual values filled in, of course.):
// Enter your MySQL login information below
You may test your login information by trying to log into your phpMyAdmin with it. If you are able to get in, make sure the database you entered is available OR that phpMyAdmin will allow you to create it if it is not. If you don’t have any problems here, you will have no trouble using MySQL with Bible SuperSearch. If you have problems, please check your login information or contact your web hosting company for it.
Before you upload Bible SuperSearch to your website, please make sure that you have ALL the files that are listed in Appendix A.
Open your FTP client (or SSH or whatever software you use to upload your files) and connect to your website. If you want to, you can create a special directory (folder) in which to place your Bible SuperSearch files. However, this is not required because the Bible SuperSearch files are named to not conflict with your existing files. You may check the list of filenames in Appendix A to make sure that none conflict with any of yours. Upload all the files that came with Bible SuperSearch, noting the exceptions below.
You may exclude the following files: license.txt, Bible SuperSearch User Guide.doc, Installation Guide.doc, installation_guide.pdf, and README_installation_guide.txt
*Running the MySQL Installation Scripts.*
Open your favorite web browser and log into phpMyAdmin. If you do not know how to access phpMyAdmin, consult your web hosting provider.
After logging in, select the database in which to install Bible SuperSearch.
If you desire to create a new database, you may create the database now. If you create a new database, make sure the name you choose follows the format, if any, set by your hosting provider. For example, our databases must be named aliveinchrist_us_-_“database-name.” If you have any questions about what database to use, please contact your web hosting provider.
Make sure that the database you choose is the same one you entered in bible_login.php above.
Now, import the SQL scripts. Click on the SQL (or “Import”) link at the top of phpMyAdmin. This will take you to a page for running queries on the database you have selected.
Under “Or Location of the text file:”, click on browse and find the file “bible_versions.sql” in your Bible SuperSearch directory. Select “Autodetect” for the compression, and click go.
Now, do the same for the files:
kjv1.sql, kjv2.sql, and kjv3.sql. These files together contain the text of the KJV Bible. THEY MUST BE IMPORTED IN ORDER!!!!!
If you wish to install a foreign language Bible, import the book list for this language now.
The book list files are named “bible_books_.sql,” where is the ISO 639-1 Code for the language. For example, the Spanish booklist file is “bible_books_es.sql” and the German is “bible_books_de.sql”
You can now add the other available Bibles. Just import the three files, in order, for each of the additional Bibles you desire. You should import the book list for a language before you import any Bibles for that language.
Note: Since the bible files are approximately 2 MB each, they may take a while to run on phpMyAdmin. Please wait until each script is finished before running the next.
*Testing Bible SuperSearch*
After you have uploaded all the files to your website, and ran the SQL scripts, open your favorite web browser, and load http://biblesupersearch _directory/bible_test.php, where biblesupersearch_directory is the URL (web address) of the folder in which you uploaded the Bible SuperSearch files.
For example, if your domain is, and you uploaded Bible SuperSearch to your main folder, enter . If your domain is and you uploaded Bible SuperSearch to the “biblesearch” folder, then enter
This file makes sure that every thing needed to run Bible SuperSearch is available, including the Bible text, and all files. If you receive any errors here, it is probably because you didn’t upload all the files.
Make sure that all files are uploaded, and re-run the installer. Another common problem is entering an incorrect database name on the login page. Make sure the database name is correct. See Appendix C for details on using the Bible SuperSearch tester.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. If it says “*Congratulations! Bible SuperSearch is installed and ready!” *then there is no need to check this page for errors; the install has been successful. If not, scroll up and check to see what files are missing. For full details on the tester, including any error message you may have received, please see Appendix C.
If your install was successful, click on the link provided to bible_supersearch.php
You can now try out Bible SuperSearch for yourself! See Bible SuperSearch run… on your website!
Remember, that for others to be able to use Bible SuperSearch on your website, you must link to bible_supersearch.php from elsewhere on your site (preferably your homepage).
*Customizing Bible SuperSearch*
With a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, (with little to no PHP), you can customize the look and feel of Bible SuperSearch to fit your needs. You can either modify one of the provided interfaces (skins) or create your own. The file bible_supersearch_generic.php can get you started. It is an unformatted Bible SuperSearch interface that you can easily modify. You may also create your own interface; see Appendix D for details (Note: Appendix D is not avaliable in the text-only edition of this guide. Please see the PDF or Microsoft Word editions for Appendix D). Soon after this initial release, a package of developers’ tools will be released, including more interfaces (aka skins) to choose from.